How to place an order for periodicals and books

You have a unique and real opportunity today to take an active part in the process of collecting library funds using Internet technologies. Teachers of departments, associate professors and professors can influence the volume and assortment of periodicals, educational and scientific literature, which is necessary for full and qualitative training of bachelors, specialists and masters, work of scientists.
Subscription is made by  library directory :

  on newspapers:
once a year - September - October of the current year,
 to half-yearly magazines:
I half of next year - September - October of the current year;
II half of this year   - March April.
on educational literature:
✓ can be submitted during the school year, taking into account the real needs of the educational process.  

To place an order, which is made on the request of the departments for collecting the library fund:
electronic version of the order send to ;
paper version of the order, signed by the head of the department or the head of the unit, resolution of the vice-rector, to transfer to the picking department main building Shirmovskoy Tatyana Konstantinovna.

Order form for periodicals
Order form for books

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